This Harry Survival Guide was written by Dr. Uberman. You may reprint this document if you credit the original author.
This guide will not tell you anything about using the Harry Editor. You'll need to read my page about the Harry Editor, or Ben Spee's Harry Editor FAQ.
Okay, now that we have all that over, let's start!
When you run the game, the first thing you see is the main screen, which has a diagram of Harry's Swivel Chair and has choices as to what to do. For now, click New Game.
You will then see a brief introductory message. Once it has passed, you will be plopped down into the Harry World of Episode 1. This is what it should look like:
Read the memo (blinking red paper), then head down to the next room. Experiment with the power kick, then move on.
Go into the room with the door (kick the door to open it), and grab the key. Then, go down and to the right. Push the plant out of the way, and explore in there. Once you're back, go to the bottom of the screen (be careful of the dart-thrower!) and go to the locked door. Walk up to it, and the door should turn orange. Then, just kick it to open it and go on to the next level...
STAPLES: Staples fill your staple guns, which you use to fight enemies. |
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TOXIC WASTE: When you bump into or shoot toxic waste, it blows up, causing damage to Harry if he is nearby. |
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AIR CONDITIONERS: Blow Harry in the opposite direction. Note that fans do not prevent Harry from entering the area behind them, they just make it a little harder. (HINT: Nothing a little caffiene won't fix... |
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FIRE PIPES: These pipes blow fire into the area around them, burning Harry if he is in their path. Just wait until they die down and you should be fine. |
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RED ROBOTS: The worst type of robots, and the hardest to kill. |
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YELLOW ROBOTS: The second-worst type of robot. |
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WHITE ROBOTS: These robots are pretty dumb, and the easiest to kill. |
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COPY MACHINES: Allow you to save your game |
DONUTS: Increases comfort. |
SLIDING DOOR: Buttons control thse doors. |
BUTTON: Controls sliding door. Although most require you to push a plant or something else on top of it to make it stick, some stick when you run into them. |
TELEPHONE: Says something funny to Harry . |
CHAIR: Push in front of mail people to kill them, or use to hold buttons down. |
PLANT: Block darts and AOL disks, kill mail people, and hold buttons down. |
INCINERATOR: Requires papers to get past it. |
MAIL PEOPLE: Annoying people who run through the hallways with their mail carts. Push a chair or plant in front of them to kill them. |
CO-WORKER: Says something funny to Harry. |
DONUTS AND COFFEE: Like donut boxes, only less comfort is given. |
HARRY: Your alter ego. |
DART THROWER: Throws darts or AOL disks at you. Avoid but DON'T SHOOT! |
SODA MACHINE: Kick it to make it drop cans of soda. Cans are too shaken-up to be drunk, but can be used as weapons. |
WATER COOLER: The name says it all. Throw staples or soda at it to make it explode. |
PAPERS: Needed to get past an incinerator. |
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LUMPS IN THE FLOOR: These do absolutely nothing. Only Ben Spees knows what these things are. |
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RAMP: Climb it to jump through the air. |
KEYS: Needed to open locked doors. Duh. |